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Page Title: MOTION CONTROL (Circuit Card 1A2A4)
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TM 11-6625-3024-14/EE641-AC-MMA-010/E154 SYSEX/TO 33AA50-5-1-1
4-10. MOTION CONTROL (Circuit Card 1A2A4)
pulse at the SYNC connector at the start of each
block of data (see Figure FO-5).
The Motion Control circuits select the required
motion for the transport. (See Figure 4-9, Motion
Control Block Diagram.)
The Exerciser power consists of +28 volts reg-
The Motion Control switches are push-ON
ulated, + 5 volts #1 regulated, and + 5 volts #2
push-OFF type switches. When any of the RUN,
regulated. (See Power Supply Schematic, Figure
FAST, or REWIND motions have been selected,
the latches are locked out from accepting another
motion until the STOP switch is enabled. All the
Primary power (115 vat) is applied to the Power
motion select latches are set and reset by com-
Supply Assembly (1A1) through connector J1. A
mands from the processor.
5 amp SLO-BLO fuse provides main power short
circuit protection.
The Latched outputs from the Motion Select
Latches are applied to the processor to indicate
An RFI line filter is inserted in series with the
the required motion. The latch outputs are also
primary power to filter out RFI (Radio Frequency
applied through open collector gates to Lamp Driv-
Interference) noise.
ers. The Lamp Drivers provide return path for the
28 Vdc indicator lamps. SELECT 1 IND through
A solid state relay (K1) provides switching ON
SELECT 4 IND, lines are routed directly to the
and OFF of primary power to the power supply
transport to enable select interlocks.
regulators. The solid state relay is energized
through the SYSTEM-ON/OFF switch, located on
4-11. EXTERNAL START (Block Mode only)
the Power Switch Assembly (Figure 4-10). When
the SYSTEM-ON/OFF switch is pressed, 115 vac
primary power is applied to the control input of the
The External Start connector (J4) provides an
solid state relay. The control input (115 vac)
input for an external signal to start each block of
causes the input relay contact to close. The closed
data when BLOCK MODE is selected. A dc signal
contact routes the primary power to the three
greater than 2.5 Vdc (or open input) will turn on
power supply regulators.
a dual operational amplifier, producing two low
level remote start signals (REMOTE START 1 and
REMOTE START 2). The remote start signals are
The +5 volt regulators (+5V #1 and +5V
applied to the Status Select latch on the processor
#2) each contain a 4 amp fuse (F1 and F2) for
circuit card. The microprocessor scans each of
overvoltage protection. If the voltage from the reg-
the status inputs at programmed intervals. When
ulator exceeds 5.6 Vdc, an SCR in the regulator
the microprocessor detects a REMOTE START
is fired, causing the output voltage to short out.
1 or REMOTE START 2 signal (SENSE LINE is
The shorted output voltage will cause the fuse to
high), the Write Data circuits are enabled to start
generating the next block of data. The External
Start signal should be a continuous level (2.5 Vdc
The output of the three voltage regulators is
to 5.0 Vdc) to generate a continuous string of data
applied to the Connector Panel Assembly through
blocks. When the External Start signal is pulsed,
connector P4. (See Figure FO-11.)
the data blocks will be generated at the External
signal pulse rate.
+5 Vdc #1 and +5 Vdc #2 are routed from
the Output Connector Assembly through connec-
4-12. SYNC
tors J9/P9 to the mother board circuit board as-
sembly. (See Figure FO-12.) The +5 Vdc #1 line
The microprocessor produces a SYNC pulse
provides power for circuit cards No. 1, No. 5, and
(U44-16) concurrent with the start of each block
No. 6 through the mother board. The +5 Vdc
of data when BLOCK MODE is selected (see Fig-
#2 line provides power for circuit cards No. 2, No.
ure FO-3). The SYNC pulse is applied to an open
3, and No. 4 through the mother board. (See
collector buffer, producing a negative-going TTL
mother board decoupling circuit, Figure 4-11.)

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