![]() TM 11-6625-3024-14/EE641-AC-MMA-010/E154 SYSEX/TO 33AA50-5-1-1
Input Buffers. (Front panel test points are the input
on each clock pulse. When READ CLOCK is
signals from the transport.) The buffers convert the
received from transDort data, the counter is reset.
input data from negative to positive logic. The data
(WP CLOCK and READ CLOCK occur at the same
from the buffers is loaded into LRC Registers. The
rate, one clock period apart.) When READ CLOCK
READ CLOCK from the transport loads the data
is not received it is assumed that the Data Block
into the LRC Registers. The LRC error check is not
has ended. The Short Gap Counter will then count
made until the entire block of data has exercised
two WP CLOCK pulses and issue a SHORT GAP
the LRC Registers. During a block of data, an even
pulse to the processor.
number of ones will have appeared on each track.
Therefore, if no errors have occurred in the data
3. LONG GAP pulse informs the processor of
track, the LRC Registers will have toggled to a
LRC word time, When the processor receives a
reset state at the end of the data block. If an error
LONG GAP-pulse, it then issues the WRITE
did occur in a data track, the register for the error
RESET and DELAY ENABLED pulses. When a
track will toggle an odd number of times, leaving an
SHORT GAP is detected the Long Gap Counter is
error indication when LRC check is made at-the
enabled, counting WP CLOCK pulses. When the
end of block. LRC CHECK signal from the
counter has counted eight WP CLOCK pulses, a
processor enables the LRC Error-Gate and then
LONG GAP pulse is issued to the processor. A
resets all of the LRC Registers for the next block
READ CLOCK from the transport will inhibit the
of data.
Long Gap Counter from counting.
The eight bits of data are checked for parity error
END BLOCK signal from the Write Data Control
against the parity track from the transport.
circuit card starts the CRC Counter. When the
ENABLE ERROR signal is issued from the
counter has loaded three WP CLOCK pulses, a
processor enabling the error parity gate. An error
CRC WORD pulse is issued to the Write Data
output from the LRC or Parity Error gate will set the
circuit card. This enables the CRC WORD to be
respective error lamp, LRC ERROR or VRC
selected on the fourth data byte after END BLOCK
ERROR, indicating that an error has occurred.
has been issued. The CRC Counter continues to
Each time an error is detected on the output of
count to eight. At count eight a WRITE RESET
either error gate, an ERROR signal is issued to the
pulse is issued to the processor and the transport.
proessor. A CLEAR ERROR pulse is issued from
The eight count also resets the CRC Counter. The
the processor at the end of each data block, i.e.
data of the CRC word is selected (factory set) with
only one error sent to the processor will cause the
switches (U15) on the Read/Write circuit card.
processor to repeat a data block if REPEAT ON
ERROR is selected. All parity errors (VRC error)
4-7. READ DATA (Circuit Card 1A2A6) (See
are loaded into the SOFT ERROR counter and
display. The display is enabled after each block of
The Read Data circuits receive the record data
data with an ENABLE pulse from the processor.
The HARD ERROR counter is loaded from the
from the transport. The data is checked for VRC
processor, The Repeat-On-Error mode will
(Vertical Redundancy Check) errors (parity error)
produce an error count when a block of data has
and LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check)
been repeated three times without recovery of the
errors. (See Figure 4-6, Read Data Block
error. Therefore, the HARD ERROR counter and
display will count errors only in Block Mode and
Nine tracks of data are received from the
Repeat-On-Error mode.
transport (bits 0-7 and parity bit) and applied to
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