TM 11-6625-3023-14/ET904-AA-MMA-010/E154 TS3684/TO 33A1-12-1173-1
a. Removal. Perform the following procedure to remove the coax jack from the panel assembly:
(1) Remove the panel assembly as described in paragraph 6-8a.
(2) Tag and unsolder wires on the jack.
(3) Remove the nut, screw and lockwasher securing jack to panel assembly and remove jack.
b. Replacement. Perform the following procedure to replace the coax jack:
(1) Insert jack in panel assembly and secure with screw, nut and lockwasher.
(2) Solder wires as tagged.
(3) Replace panel assembly as described in paragraph 6-8b.
6-18. Power Cord. Power cord repair consists of removal and replacement procedures for the power cord.
a. Removal. Perform the following procedure to remove the power cord from the panel assembly:
(1) Remove the panel assembly as described in paragraph 6-8a.
(2) Remove circuit board assembly as described in paragraph 6-11a
(3) Unsolder the white lead from the AC POWER switch (S1).
(4) Unsolder the black lead from transformer (T1).
(5) Unsolder the green lead from lug secured to transformer.
(6) Remove plastic clamp securing power cord to panel assembly and remove cord through opening.
b. Replacement. Perform the following procedure to replace power cord on the panel assembly:
(1) Insert power cord through plastic clamp and then insert cord and clamp into opening on panel assembly.
(2) Solder the white lead to AC POWER switch.
(3) Solder the black lead to transformer.
(4) Solder the green lead to lug secured to transformer.
(5) Replace circuit board assembly as described in paragraph 6-11b.
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