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TM 11-6625-2937-13
(2) Microprocessing system description. Under
location in that memory.  This method of addressing
program control, the MPU (IA2A2) accesses memory by
uses the high order bits of the ADDRESS BUS to
outputting two, eight-bit bytes on the ADDRESS BUS.
generate CHIP SELECT, and the low order bits to
This 16-bit address, which permits access of 65,536
specify required memory location. When the appropriate
memory locations, is output via the three-state address
location has been selected, DO through D7 is output to
buffer (IA2A2). The address buffer outputs the address
the DATA BUS via data bus buffer (1A2A6). This DATA
information AO through Al5 on the ADDRESS BUS that
BUS output (through D7) can be input to the MPU under
connects the MPU (1A2A2) to the rest of the
test or to the STE MPU. Operation of the other memory
microprocessing system. That is, the ADDRESS BUS
devices is similar to the procedure just described in that
connects the MPU (IA2A2) to the STE RAM/ROM
they also are dependent on a two-level mode of
(IA2A3), the PIT and TEST ROM (IA2A6) and, via the
addressing and decoding for proper operation.
c.  Phase-Locked Loop Functioning (fig. 4-4).
module bus switching circuit card (1A2A7), to the MPU
The phase-locked loop (PLL) consists of two channels,
under test. When not used to drive the ADDRESS BUS,
each of which provides a 4-MHz clock signal to
the address buffer (I A2A2) is switched into a high
MODULE TEST connector 12.  This 4-MHz signal is
impedance state by control signal BA. TEST NUMBER
divided by four before feeding connectors J4 and J6.
(HCAO through HCA5) from the digital tester is decoded
by the NMI vector trap and is also output from the
CLOCK are applied to connector J2 from the PLL circuits
address bus. The MPU (I A2A2) also outputs control
simultaneously. The PLL circuit consists primarily of a
signals 02, R/W and VMA (VUA).  These signals are
phase detector, a loop filter and a voltage-controlled
input to the three state control buffer (IA2A2) for output
to the CONTROL BUS.  The control buffer (IA2A2)
MICROPROCESSOR CLOCK signal, the phase detector
operation is identical to the address buffer (IA2A2). The
requires a REFERENCE 250 KHZ signal from the digital
data buffer (1 A2A2) is a three-state bidirectional circuit
tester and a 250 KHZ CLOCK signal from the clock
that connects the data output from the MPU (DO through
feedback circuit (IA2A5).  The phase detector output
D7) to the DATA BUS. The data buffer (IA2A2) acts as
voltage represents the difference in phase between the
an input buffer when data under READ control (R/W
input signals. After being coupled through the low pass
high) is input to the MPU. The buffer also acts as an
loop filter, this output voltage is input to the VCO as a dc
output device when the MPU (IA2A2) is driving the DATA
control voltage.  The dc voltage applied to the VCO
BUS under WRITE control (R/W low). When other units
produces  an  output  signal  whose  frequency  is
are using the DATA BUS, the data buffer (IA2A2) is
determined by the voltage input from the loop filter. The
switched to the high impedance state. That is, data bus
SYSTEM CLOCK signal is also generated by a PLL that
buffer (IA2A7) is also a bidirectional device, but it is
receives  a  250  KHZ  input  from  a  divide-by-16
either driven by the DO through 57 DATA BUS input from
divider/counter circuit. The divider/counter is reset by the
the control-interface unit or the MDO through MD7 DATA
RESET signal input from the digital tester. The SYSTEM
BUS input from the MPU under test. The control bus
CLOCK is divided down by 16 and outputs the 250 KHZ
buffer (IA2A7) and the address bus buffer (IA2A7) are
signal input to the PLL circuit. In the absence of the
both bidirectional devices.  The operation of these
REFERENCE 250 KHZ signal, this PLL circuit will
devices is controlled by the STE MPU inputs to the bus
generate a simulated locked control voltage input to the
switching logic (1A2A7).  The selection of a memory
VCO.  This signal is generated via the loop lock
,device by the ADDRESS BUS (for reading or writing
simulator circuit when enabled by the 250 kHz dock
operations throughout the microprocessor system) is
detector. In normal operation, a portion of the phase
dependent on a decoder operation in conjunction with
detector outputs a digital 4W which is unaffected by the
the CONTROL BUS input. If, for example, the encoder
loop lock simulator circuit and is coupled to the phase
portion of the test ROM program is to be addressed, a
detector. In the absence of the IRERENCE 2SO KHZ
high ENC/DEC input is also necessary..  With the
signal, the loop lock simulator is enabled by the output
previous conditions satisfied, a two-level mode of
from the 250 KHZ dock detector circuit.
addressing occurs to select a particular memory device

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