TM 11-6625-2843-14
j. Overhaul. That maintenance effort (ser-
T h i s appendix provides a summary of the maintenance
vice/action) necessary to restore an item to a com-
operations for Test Set, Synchro TTU-23/E. It author-
pletely serviceable/operational condition as prescribed
izes categories of maintenance for specific mainte-
by maintenance standards (i.e., DMWR) in appropriate
nance functions on repairable items and components
technical publications. Overhaul is normally the high-
and the tools and equipment required to perform each
est degree of maintenance performed by the Army.
f u n c t i o n . This appendix may be used as an aid in plan-
O v e r h a u l does not normally return an item to like new
ning maintenance operations.
k . Rebuild. C o n s i s t s o f t h o s e s e r v i c e s / a c t i o n s n e c e s -
sary for the restoration of unserviceable equipment to
Maintenance functions will be limited to and defined
a like new condition in accordance with original
a s follows:
a. Inspect. To
degree of materiel maintenance applied to Army
item by comparing its physical, mechanical, and/or
equipment. The rebuild operation includes the act of
electrical characteristics with established standards
returning to zero those age measurements (hours,
through examination.
miles, etc.) considered in classifying Army equip-
b. Test. To verify serviceability and to detect incip-
ient failure by measuring the mechanical or electrical
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of an item and comparing those charac-
teristics with prescribed standards.
a. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1 lists group
c. Service. Operations required periodically to keep
numbers, the purpose of which is to identify compo-
a n item in proper operating condition, i.e., to clean (de-
n e n t s , assemblies, subassemblies, and modules with the
contaminate), to preserve, to drain, to paint, or to
next higher assembly.
eplenish fuel, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or com-
b. Column 2, Component/Assembly. C o l u m n 2 c o n -
pressed air supplies.
tains the noun names of components, assemblies, sub-
d . Adjust. T o m a i n t a i n , w i t h i n p r e s c r i b e d l i m i t s , b y
assemblies, and modules for which maintenance is
b r i n g i n g into proper or exact position, or by setting the
operating characteristics to the specified parameters.
c. C o l u m n 3 , M a i n t e n a n c e F u n c t i o n s . Column 3 lists
e . Align. To adjust specified variable elements of an
t h e functions to be performed on the item listed in col-
item to bring about optimum or desired performance.
umn 2. When iterns are listed without maintenance
f . Calibrate. T o d e t e r m i n e a n d c a u s e c o r r e c t i o n s t o
f u n c t i o n s , it is solely for purpose of having the group
be made or to be adjusted on instruments or test
numbers in the MAC and RPSTL coincide.
m e a s u r i n g and diagnostic equipments used in precision
measurement. Consists of comparisons of two instru-
d. Column 4, Maintenance Category. C o l u m n 4
ments, one of which is a certified standard of known
s p e c i f i e s , by the listing of a ``worktime" figure in the
accuracy, to detect and adjust any discrepancy in the
appropriate subcolumn(s), the lowest level of mainte-
accuracy of the instrument being compared.
n a n c e authorized to perform the function listed in col-
g . Install. T h e a c t o f e m p l a c i n g , s e a t i n g , o r f i x i n g
u m n 3. This figure represents the active time required
into position an item, part, module (component or as-
to perform that maintenance function at the indicated
s e m b l y ) in a manner to allow the proper functioning of
category of maintenance, If the number or complexity
the equipment or system.
of the tasks within the listed maintenance function
h . Replace. The act of substituting a serviceable like
vary at different maintenance categories, appropriate
type part, subassembly, or module (component or as-
``worktime" figures will be shown for each category.
sembly) for an unserviceable counterpart.
The number of task-hours specified by the "worktime"
i . Repair. T h e
figure represents the average time required to restore
( i n s p e c t , test, service, adjust, align, calibrate, replace)
an item (assembly, subassembly, component, module,
o r other maintenance actions (welding, grinding, rivet-
end item or system) to a serviceable condition under
ing, straightening, facing, remachining, or resurfac-
typical field operating conditions. This time includes
ing) to restore serviceability to an item by correcting
preparation time, troubleshooting time, and quality
specific damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a
assurance/quality control time in addition to the time
part, subassembly, module (component or assembly),
r e q u i r e d to perform the specific tasks identified for the
end item, or system.
maintenance functions authorized in the maintenance
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