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TM 11-5895-1097-40
oscillator Q6 is a crystal controlled oscillator running at the
by the ceramic filter FL2, to the if. amplifier Q7, Q8, and Q9
fundamental frequency of the crystal Y1, which is 17.645 MHz.
which provides overall gain. The amplified if. signal is then
The crystal Y1 operates as a series collector base feedback
dectected and compared against a set value, determining the
path. C40 and C41 provide phase shift to ensure oscillation.
operability of the RCVR XTAL MODULE under test. If the rcvr
The oscillator signal at the base of Q7 is coupled by C39 to the
xtal under test is good, the rcvr comparator portion of U6 will
second mixer input. (Q5)
drive the rcvr logic NOR gates of U7. This output will drive the
(4)  Second Mixer.
The second mixer, Q5,
GO lamp driver QI I and light the GO lamp. If the rcvr xtal
receives the 18.1 MHz if. signals from FL1 and the 17.645
under test is no good, the output of the logic gates will be
MHz local oscillator signals from Q6. Q5 heterodynes the two
inverted. This output will drive the NO GO lamp driver QIO,
signals ? and produces an output at the second if. of 455 KHz.
and light the NO GO lamp.
(5)  Ceramic filter. The second if. signal from the
b. Xmit Xtal Circuit. The XMIT XTAL MODULE under
second mixer stage is coupled through FL2, the 455 KHz filter,
test forms the crystal portion of a local oscillator QI and Q2.
and applied to the input of the if. amplifier.
This signal is then amplified by Q3 and Q4. The amplified
(6)  If. amplifier. The if. amplifier chain, Q7, Q8,
signal is then detected and compared against a set value,
and Q9 provide approximately 40 dB gain for the 455 KHz
determing the operability of the XMIT XTAL MODULE under
test. If the xmit xtal under test is good, the xmit comparator
(7)  First detector. The amplified if. signal is
portion of U6 will drive the xmit logic NOR gates of U7. This
detected by a detector circuit using components CR8, CR9,
output will drive the GO lamp driver Q 11, and light the GO
and C48. The output level of the detector is compared by the
lamp. If the xmit xtal under test is no good, the output of the
comparator circuit U6A.
logic gates will be inverted. This output will drive the NO GO
(8)  Rcvr circuit amplifier. Q12 and Q13 are
lamp Q10, and light the NO GO lamp.
general purpose high frequency amplifiers. They amplify the
c. Counter Buffer Amplifier Circuit. The input to the
signal from the local oscillator of the RCVR XTAL MODULE
counter circuit is the xtal overtone frequency before detection
under test. This amplified signal, sampled through the
of either the rcvr or xmit circuits, whichever is being used. This
secondary of transformer T3, is fed to the overtone buffer
signal is amplified, buffered, filtered and fed to a BNC
amplifier where is is again amplified by Q 14 and detected by
connector (COUNTER OUTPUT) on the front panel.
the second detector CR5, CR6, and C31.
d. Power Supply Circuit. The power supply circuit
(9)  Comparator. U6 is a quad single supply
consists of a transformer mounted on the front panel, full wave
comparator, used for level detection. The signal levels
rectifiers CRI and CR2, a 12 Vdc regulator, and a 6.2 Vdc
detected from the if. amplifier and the overtone buffer amplifier
regulator on the main circuit card A1.
are compared against set voltage levels. The outputs of both
2-3. Circuit Description (fig. FO-2, FO-3)
comparators U6A and U6C are fed to the logic NOR gates
a. Rcvr Xtal Circuit. The rcvr xtal circuit consists of a first
mixer, crystal filter, second mixer, second local oscillator,
(10)  Rcvr logic U7C and U7B. Both of the
ceramic filter, if. amplifier, overtone amplifier, two detectors,
comparator outputs are input to U7 which verifies the presence
two comparators and two logic gates.
of the correct signals and performs inversions where they are
(1)  First mixer. Components U4, T1, T2, C21
required. If both signals are correct, NOR gate U7C would bias
through C26, R22, R23 and L5 comprise the first mixer. The
the GO driver Q1 1 to light the GO lamp. If either one or both
first mixer is of a balanced design to minimize signals in the
of the signals is correct, U7B, by inversion of U7C output,
output. Its purpose is to combine the incoming RF and LO
would bias the NO GO driver to light the NO GO lamp.
signals, from the rcvr xtal module, into a single if. of 18.1 MHz.
b. Xmit Xtal Circuit. The xmit xtal circuit consists of an
The first mixer converts the RF and first local oscillator energy
oscillator buffer amplifier, detector, comparator and two logic
to the 18.1 MHz if. by vector addition of the two signals. This
difference frequency is picked off by the selectivity of TI
(1)  Oscillator. The oscillator, a modified Butler
resonating with C22 and C25.
circuit, is made up of Q1, Q2 and the XMIT XTAL MODULE
(2)  Crystal filter. The 18.1 signal from the first
under test. The output of Q2 is the second harmonic of the
mixer stage is coupled through FLI, the 18.1 MHz crystal filter,
crystal inserted into the test socket.
and applied to the input of the second mixer. C32, C43, C35,
(2)  Buffer amplifier. Q3 and Q4 amplify the
R27 and L9 form a network to match the crystal filter
oscillator signal to a detectable level.
impedance to the second mixer input.
(3) Detector. The amplified signal is detected by a detector
(3)  Second local oscillator. The second local
circuit using components CR3, CR4, and C17. The output
level of the detector is compared by the comparator U6B.

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