TM 1-6625-735-14
Table 2-1.
Operator's Controls. (Cont)
NO. 1 and NO. 2 AS SW
Provide monitoring capability for electronic airspeed switch in No. 1 and No. 2
Test Points
stabilator amplifiers. Each test point voltage is 15 vdc at less than 60 knots and
-15 vdc above 60 knots. When simulated airspeed is less than 60 knots, NO. 1
and NO. 2 AS SW ,60 KNOTS indicators go on.
NO. 1 and NO. 2 AS
Provide monitoring capability for No. 1 and No. 2 stabilator amplifier airspeed
BFR and NO. 1 and NO.
buffer amplifier output signals. From 0 to 30 knots of simulated airspeed, test
2 AS BFR OS Test Points
points will be 0 vdc. From 30 to 150 knots of simulated airspeed, test point
voltage will increase linearly to 10.6 vdc. Signal from NO. 1 AS BFR test
point is supplied to NO. 2 AS BFR OS test point. Signal from NO. 2 AS BFR
test point is supplied to NO. 1 AS BFR OS test point.
NO. 1 and NO. 2 P
Provide monitoring capability for No. 1 and No. 2 stabilator amplifier pitch
RATE FLTR Test Points
rate filter output signals. Voltage monitored at these test points will be equal
voltage but opposite polarity to voltage selected by PITCH RATE GYRO
simulator when mode selector control is turned to SIM STAB 1 & 2.
NO. 1 and NO. 2 LATL
Provide monitoring capability for No. 1 and No. 2 stabilator amplifier lateral
accelerometer filter output signals. Voltage monitored at these test points will
be four times greater, with a maximum of 15 vdc, than voltage selected by
LATL ACCLRM simulator when mode selector control is turned to SIM
STAB 1 & 2.
NO. 1 and NO. 2 26
Provide monitoring capability for 26 vac supplied by No. 1 and No. 2 stabila-
VAC Test Point
tor amplifiers which is used as excitation for fan in each amplifier and pitch
rate gyro.
NO. 1 and NO. 2 SIG
Provide No. 1 and No. 2 signal ground reference monitoring capability.
GND Test Points
NO. 1 and NO. 2 +15
Provide monitoring capability for No. 1 and No. 2 stabilator amplifier power
VDC and -15 VDC Test
supply + and -15 vdc.
NO. 1 and NO. 2 PWR
Provide No. 1 and No. 2 power ground reference monitoring capability.
GND Test Points
TEST Test Point
Provides monitoring capability for 15 vdc when TEST switch on stabilator
control/auto flt control panel is pressed.
NO. 1 and NO. 2 INTLK
Provide monitoring capability for 28 vdc power interlock voltage from No. 1
28 Test Points
and No. 2 stabilator amplifiers when amplifiers are electrically connected and
helicopter dc electrical power is applied to Stabilator Units. No. 1 and No. 2
INTLK 28 and No. 1 and No. 2 INTLK 28 OS indicators also go on.
, provide monitoring capabil-
NO. 1 and NO. 2
ity for actuator window positive comparator testing.
COMPT TST (+) Test
NO. 1 and NO. 2
Provide monitoring capability for actuator window negative comparator testing.
COMPT TST (-) Test
NO. 1 and NO. 2 BFR
Provide monitoring and testing capabilities of airspeed buffer.
AS SNSR Test Points
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