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TM 55-4920-400-13
and pipe nipples from filter sump bodies.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean parts, except the gaskets, with
cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680 or
equivalent (para. 2-33c), and dry with a clean lint-
free cloth or clean, dry, compressed air.
(2) Inspect parts for cracks, breaks, deterio-
ration, and damaged threads.
(3) Repair or replace defective parts.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Install pipe nipples and elbows on sump
filter bodies and install bodies.
(2) Install filter, place gasket and bowl in pos-
ition on filter sump body, and secure with clamp.
(3) Install tube assemblies.
2-48. Pressure and Vacuum Check Valves. Re-
move the pressure and vacuum check valves for
cleaning and repair as follows:
a. Removal
(1) Remove the vacuum filter sump, as in-
structed in paragraph 2-47.
(2) Remove tube assembly and check valves.
(3) Remove elbow and vacuum check valve.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble in sequence of
index numbers (fig. 2-3).
The pressure check valve has a re-
tainer backup for -No. 4 O Ring and
does not have No. 2 O Ring
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the parts, except the O-rings with
cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680 or
TT-T-291, and dry thoroughly with a clean, lint-free
cloth or clean, dry, compressed air.
(2) Inspect parts for cracks, breaks, damage,
deterioration, and damaged threads.
(3) Replace the valve if any parts are de-
(4) Replace O-rings if damaged.
d. Reassembly. Reassemble valves in the re-
verse sequence of the index numbers (fig. 2-3).
e. Installation.
(1) Install vacuum check valve on pump and
install elbow in check valve.
(2) Install pressure check valve on reservoir
and tube assembly on check valve and elbow.
(3) Install vacuum filter sump as instructed
in paragraph 2-47.
2-49. Relief Valves. The relief valves are all re-
placed in a similar manner, as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Remove chassis assembly from tester case
(para. 2-46).
(2) Remove pressure filter sump as instructed
in paragraph 2-47.
(3) Remove tube assembly pipe tees, elbows
and pipe nipple from relief valves.
(4) Remove nuts, lockwashers and screws se-
curing relief valve to chassis and remove valve.
(5) Remove relief valves in the same manner
as above.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the parts with a clean, lint-free
cloth dampened with cleaning solvent, Federal
Specification P-D-680 or equivalent, and dry thor-
(2) Inspect parts for breaks, cracks, loose
screws, and damaged threads.