![]() TM 55-4920-378-14&P
rebuild operation includes the act of returning to
B-1. General. The purpose of the maintenance
zero those age measurements (hours, miles, etc.)
a l l o c a t i o n chart is to provide all activities with
c o n s i d e r e d in classifying Army equipment/com-
formed at each level of maintenance.
h . Repair. The application of maintenance
B - 2 . Maintenance functions. Maintenance func-
services (inspect, test, service, adjust, align, cal-
tions shall be limited to and defined as follows:
i b r a t e , replace) or other maintenance actions
a . Adjust. Maintain within prescribed lim-
( w e l d i n g , grinding, riveting, straightening, fac-
its by bringing into proper or exact position, or
i n g , remachining, or resurfacing) to restore ser-
b y setting the operating characteristics to the
viceability to an item by correcting specific dam-
s p e c i f i e d parameters.
age, fault, malfunction, or failure in a part,
b. Align. To adjust specified variable el-
item or system.
ements of an item to bring about optimum or de-
s i r e d performance.
i . Replace. The act of substituting a ser-
viceable like-type part, subassembly, module
c . Calibrate. To determine and cause cor-
( c o m p o n e n t or assembly) in a manner to allow
r e c t i o n s to be made or to be adjusted on in-
t h e proper functioning of an equipment/system.
struments or test measuring and diagnostic
e q u i p m e n t used in precision measurement. Con-
s i s t s of comparisons of two instruments, one of
j . Service. Operations required periodically
which is a certified standard of known accuracy,
t o keep an item in proper operating condition,
t o detect and adjust any discrepancy in the ac-
i . e . , to clean, preserve, drain, paint, or to re-
curacy of the instrument being compared.
p l e n i s h fuel/1ubricants/hydraulic fluids or com-
pressed air supplies.
d . Inspect. To determine the serviceability
o f an item by comparing its physical, mechani-
k . Test. To verify serviceability and to de-
c a l , and/or electrical characteristics with estab-
t e c t incipient failure by measuring the mechani-
l i s h e d standards through examination.
c a l or electrical characteristics of an item and
c o m p a r i n g those characteristics with prescribed
e . Install. The act of emplacing, seating, or
fixing into position an item, part, module (com-
p o n e n t or assembly) in a manner to allow the
l . Symbols. The uppercase letter placed in
p r o p e r functioning of the equipment/system.
t h e appropriate column indicates the lowest lev-
e l at which that particular maintenance func-
f . Overhaul. That maintenance effort (ser-
tion is to be performed.
v i c e / a c t i o n ) necessary to restore an item to a
c o m p l e t e l y serviceable/operational condition as
B - 3 . Explanation of format. Purpose and use of
prescribed by maintenance standards (e.g.,
the format are as follows:
DMWR) in pertinent technical publications.
a . Column 1. Group number. Column 1 lists
Overhaul is normally the highest degree of
group numbers, the purpose of which is to
m a i n t e n a n c e performed by the Army. Overhaul
m a t c h components, assemblies, subassemblies
d o e s not normally return an item to like new
and modules with the next higher assembly.
b . Column 2. Functional group. Column 2
g. Rebuild. Consists of those services/ac-
lists the next higher assembly group and the
tions necessary for the restoration of un-
item names of components, assemblies, sub-
serviceable equipment to a like-new condition in
a s s e m b l i e s and modules within the group for
a c c o r d a n c e with original manufacturing stan-
w h i c h maintenance is authorized.
d a r d s . Rebuild is the highest degree of materiel
m a i n t e n a n c e applied to Army equipment. The
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