TM 5-6350-264-14&P-9
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-100/E121 DZ-204
T. O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-9
Turn the operating mode switch to ACCESS.
troubleshooting may be performed.
(1) If the AA is silent, put on ear
protection and open the AA door
(3) When
Pull the TAS plunger all the way out.
completed, turn off power switch in
faceplate, and remove faceplate
AA In the Control Unit, remove
Turn off power switch located in the
jumper wire from TB4-4 and TB4-3
upper left corner of the AA Tag,
Connect AA interconnecting wire to
disconnect, and insulate speaker
TB4-3 In the AA, connect speaker
wire from TB3-7.
wire to TB3-7; turn on power switch
Install and secure faceplate Close
(2) If the AA continues to sound, tag,
door on AA On Control Unit, turn
disconnect, and insulate green wire
operating mode switch to TEST/
(from status processor) from TB4-1
RESET and then to SECURE.
in the Control Unit Install a jumper
between TB4-4 and TB4-1 AA
g Inspect varistors for evidence of physical
should be silenced Put on ear
damage or overheating Disconnect one lead
protection and open AA door Pull
the TAS plunger all the way out
ohms and connect one lead to each varistor lead
Remove screws that secure the
Meter should indicate over 100, 000 ohms.
faceplate, and remove the faceplate.
Check both varistors.
Turn off power switch located in
the upper left corner of the AA. Tag,
h Refer to figure 5-1 for all test points found in
disconnect, and insulate speaker
wire from TB3-7 in the Control Unit,
diagram of the Audible Alarm Step-by-step
remove the AA interconnecting wire
troubleshooting procedures, including Trouble,
from TB4-3 and connect a jumper
Probable Cause, and Corrective Action, are
wire from TB4-4 and TB43 Turn on
power switch in AA.
The AA
speaker is now disabled