TM 5-6350-264-14&P-11
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-120/E121 C-7359-40-1
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-11
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective Action
15. (Cont)
Remove the mounting screws
that hold Status Monitor
Module in position. Remove
module from mounting rack.
Disconnect battery terminal
leads. Slide batteries to the
right and remove from cabi-
net. Remove screws and lock
washers and remove terminal
board cover from TB1 on
power supply. Tag and dis-
connect all interconnecting
wires from TB1, TB2, and
TB3. Remove nuts from cap-
tive screws. Slide power sup-
ply to the right and remove
from cabinet.
To install new one-zone Monitor
Cabinet power supply, posi-
tion power supply in cabinet
and install nuts on captive
screws. Connect all intercon-
necting wires to TB1, TB2,
and TB3. Position terminal
board cover on TB1 and in-
stall mounting screws and
lock washers. Position bat-
teries in cabinet and connect
terminal leads. Position
Status Monitor Module in
mounting rack (ensure that
connector is properly en-
gaged) and install mounting
screws. Position Signal Mod-
ule in mounting rack and in-
stall mounting screws. Con-
nect wires to terminal board
TB1. Turn on external ac
power by turning on circuit
breaker. Close and latch
mounting rack. Close and
lock cabinet door.
To remove five-zone Monitor Cabi-
net power supply, unlock and
open cabinet door. Unlatch