TM 5-6350-264-14&P-11
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-120/E121 C-7359-40-1
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-11
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective Action
10. (Cont)
supply. Position power
supply switch S1 to POW-
ER OFF. Turn off exter-
nal ac power by turning off
circuit breaker. Remove
nuts from captive screws
that secure power supply
in cabinet. Slide power
supply forward. Tag and
disconnect wires from TB3.
Remove cable clamp from
power supply cover. Re-
move cable clamp from
power supply cover. Re-
move screws and lock wash-
ers and remove terminal
from TB1 on power supply.
Tag and disconnect all in-
terconnecting wires from
TB1 and TB2. Lift the
power supply at left end
and lower right end off of
ledge. Remove power sup-
ply from cabinet.
To install new twenty-five-
zone Monitor Cabinet pow-
er supply, position power
supply in cabinet. Connect
all interconnecting wires to
TB1 and TB2. Position
terminal board cover on
TB1. Install cable clamp
on power supply cover.
Connect interconnecting
wires to TB3. Install
mounting screws. Turn on
external ac power by turn-
ing on circuit breaker.
Close and latch mounting
racks. Close and lock cab-
inet door.