TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
condition (by activating a nearby
lights on Monitor Cabinet should
sensor). After expiration of the time
change from on-steady to flashing,
delay period, the Monitor Cabinet
and the audible signal device should
should indicate an alarm condition.
Remove cause of alarm, turn mode
Move reset switch on Status Monitor
switch to TEST/RESET and then to
Module to ACK. Indicator lights
SECURE. At the Monitor Cabinet, go
should go out and audible signal
to the Status Monitor Module with
device should be silenced.
alarm lights flashing and move reset
switch to ACK and then to RESET.
Reinstall ac power fuse F1 in CU
Monitor Cabinet should indicate a
power supply. AC POWER indicator
secure condition.
lights should flash and the audible
signal device should sound.
Turn mode switch to ACCESS.
Monitor Cabinet should indicate an
Move reset switch on Status Monitor
access condition.
Module to ACK. AC POWER indicator
lights should change from flashing to
Remove ac power fuse F1 from CU
on-steady and the audible signal
power supply. AC POWER indicator
device should be silenced.