![]() TM 11-7010-201-40-3/ET821-AA-MMI-030/E154 MTS/T.O. 31S5-2TSQ73-2-3
1. Record Number - A unique Data Processing number which associates all information pertaining to a wire
"FROM" Connector, "TO" Connector, Wire Code, etc. This number is the wire ID when that field is blank.
2. Prefix - An assembly alphanumeric to be used when a wire terminates in two assemblies. This number will
be the reference designation as required by USAS Y32.16-1968.
3. Connector - Any type of terminating point, plug, receptacle. etc. Designations are in accordance with
USAS Y32.16-1968.
4. Pin - Exact terminating point of the respective connector. Designations are unique:
A. SHXXXX indicates the junction of a shield and a pigtail, the four digits to the right are the wire identity of
the shielded wire.
B. JCT indicates a common point of two or more shield pigtails.
C. Jacket: the terminology used when describing the line that defines the identification of a shielded wire.
5. Sh Fg - References a graphic representation showing how a shielded wire or coax is to be terminated. A
number in this field indicates the level of automatic wire wrapping.
6. Multi Group - Associates wires of a group such as "twisted wire" or "shielded wire". Jacket, pigtails and
center conductors will be shown as a common group.
7. Wire Code - A three-digit code for wire type and gage or bus bar.
8. Wire Color - Standard RETMA color code.
A. Base Stripe Tracer.
B. Stripe, Tracer 1 and Tracer 2 if the digit to the left is other than 9 and the two positions to the right are
not blank and not equal. The Base Color is understood to be white.
9. Wire Ident - A number used for reference to differentiate one wire from another. This number will be used to
identify the wire when specified in the wire list sleeve code field.
10. Spc Inst - A code which indicates that a wire must be given special attention as follows:
A. Direct routing, no service loops, no harnessing.
B. See general notes or instruction pages.
C. See general notes or instruction pages.
D. See general notes or instruction pages.
E. See general notes or instruction pages.
F. See signal description.
G. This connection does not go directly to the "TO" connector, but intersects a line going to the "TO"
H. See special routing page.
I. Junction point for multilayer laminated board (MLB) connection.
J. Denotes a bus reference point.
K. Blank out "TO" connector and pin.
L. Will cause a signal name of three characters or less to be entered in the string list.
M. Will cause a record to be omitted from the string list. (This record will print in the connector list.)
N. Will suppress printing the wire identity in the harness string and double entry list.
P. Will cause the equation to be used as the signal name for sorting purposes only in the string list.
Drawing No.
WL1 0281451
Rev. E, sheet 2
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