"inspect and repair only as neces-
1. General
sary" (IROAN). Maximum utiliza-
a. This section assigns maintenance functions
tion of diagnostic and test equipment
and repair operations to be performed by the
is combined with minimum disassem-
lowest appropriate maintenance echelon. It also
bly of the item during the overhaul
specifies the tool and test equipments authorized
at each echelon for performance of the assigned
(3) 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th echelons. The sym-
maintenance functions.
bol X in any of these columns indicates
b. Columns in the maintenance allocation
the echelon responsible for perform-
chart are as follows:
ing the particular maintenance opera-
(1) Part or component. This column shows
tion, but does not necessarily indicate
only the nomenclature or standard item
that repair parts will be stocked at
that level. Echelons higher than the
echelon marked by X are authorized
(2) Maintenance function. This column in-
to perform the indicated operation.
dicates the various maintenance func-
tions allocated to the echelons. These
(4) Tools required. The numbers in this
functions are as follows:
column represent tool equipments re-
quired for performance of the assign-
(a) Inspect. To verify serviceability and
ed maintenance functions. These num-
to detect incipient electrical or me-
bers are identified in section III.
chanical failure by scrutiny.
(5) Remarks. Notations in this column
(b) Test. To verify serviceability and to
clarify the data cited in the preceding
detect incipient electrical or mechan-
ical failure by use of special equip-
ment such as gages and meters.
c. Columns in the allocation of tools for main-
(c) Replace. To substitute serviceable
tenance functions chart are as follows:
comopnents, assemblies, or subas-
(1) Tools required for maintenance func-
semblies, for unserviceable compo-
tions. This column lists tool and test
nents, assemblies, or subassemblies.
equipments required for performance
(d) Repair. To restore an item to service-
of the maintenance functions.
able condition by correcting a speci-
(2) 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th echelon. A dagger
fic failure or unserviceable condi-
(†) in any of these columns indicates
tion. This function includes but is
that the tool or test equipment norm-
not limited to welding, grinding, riv-
ally is allocated to that echelon.
eting, straightening, and replace-
(3) Tool code. This column lists the as-
ment of parts.
signed tool codes.
(e) Calibrate. To check and adjust the
2. Maintenance by Using Organizations
electrical and mechanical align-
ment of an item.
When this equipment is used by signal serv-
ices organizations organic to the theater head-
( f ) Overhaul. To restore an item to com-
quarters or communication zone to provide
pletely serviceable condition as pre-
theater communications, those maintenance
scribed by serviceability standards
developed and published by heads of
functions allocated up to and including fourth
echelon are authorized to the organization op-
technical services. This is accomp-
lished by use of the technique of
erating this equipment.
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