![]() Continue this procedure of alternately
dures, a sine wave will be observed on the oscil-
l0 scpe screen. When null conditions are ap-
resetting the CAL. control and ad-
proached the sine wave will decrease in ampli-
justing the AMP. BAL. control for
tude. Minimum null is reached when the os-
null until the minimum null is ob-
cilloscope trace becomes a straight horizontal
tained. Leave the CAL. control set
line. When a straight horizontal line cannot
to the position in which adjustment of
be reached, the null condition is obtained when
t h e amplitude of the sine wave on the oscil-
the AMP. BAL. produces the mini-
loscope screen reaches minimum value.
mum null.
(8) Set the function switch on the resolver
(10) Set the function switch to CAL. E
test set to CAL. and set the signal
and repeat the procedure given in (7),
generator phase dial for a reading of
(8), and (9) above to see if any re-
83 less than the signal generator
duction in the null can be obtained.
phase dial reading noted in (7) above.
(11) Tighten the locknuts on the shafts
(9) Adjust the AMP. BAL. control for a
of the CAL. E and CAL. controls,
null indication on the oscilloscope. Ob-
being careful not to disturb the con-
serve the null indication obtained. Ro-
trol setting.
tate the CAL. control slightly coun-
terclockwise and again adjust the
(12) Reenergize all test equipment (a(4)
AMP. BAL. control for a null. Com-
above) and disconnect all test equip-
pare the amplitude of this null indica-
ment from the power source.
tion to the null previously obtained.
(13) Press the protective caps into place
Rotate the CAL. control clockwise
over the CAL. E and CAL. controls.
until it is slightly past its original set-
(14) Remove all interconnecting cables,
ting. Again adjust the AMP. BAL.
test leads, and tee connectors from the
control for a null and compare the
test equipment.
result to the nulls previously obtained.
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