![]() TM
tension, remove the collector stud hexagonal nut
(3) Remove the lockwasher and fiber washer
(16) on transistor Q3 (4).
from the diode stud.
(4) Remove the solder lug (20) and wires (do
(4) Lift the diode up and remove it from the
not remove wires from solder lug) from the collector
(5) Remove the four machine screws (19) that
T h e insulating sleeve may stay in the
hold the blower air filter (2, fig. 3-27) to the front
chassis; if so, let it remain there for use
with the replacement diode.
(6) Remove the blower filter (2).
(7) Remove transistor Q3 (4) from the heat sink
b. Replacement.
(5) in the blower wall.
(1) Place the mica washer over the hole in the
b. Replacement.
(1) Place the transistor on the heat sink in the
(2) Slip the solder lug over the stud on the
blower well ( guide pin on transistor prevents incor-
replacement diode and push the stud through the
hole in the chassis.
rect mounting of the transistor).
( 2 ) Hold the transistor on the heat sink with
( 3 ) Slip the insulating sleeve over the stud
from the bottom of the chassis and slide it into the
one hand and slip the solder lug (20) (with wires)
over the collector stud with the other hand.
chassis hole so that the diode stud is insulated from
the chassis.
(3) While still holding the transistor on the
heat sink, start the hexagonal nut (16) on the collec-
(4) Place the fiber washer and lockwasher on
tor stud and tighten thumbtight.
the diode stud.
Do not overtighten the collector stud hex-
Do not overtighten the diode nut; the stud
agonal nut (16); the stud threads may strip.
threads are made of a copper alloy for good
electrical connection, and they will strip
(4) Lift up the inverter transformer bracket
quite easily.
wrench and extension to tighten the hexagonal nut
(5) Place the nut on the diode stud and tighten.
on transistor Q3.
(5) Replace the four machine screws (19) in the
When soldering the anode lead, place a
front panel and the four machine screws (19) in the
heat sink (such as long-nosed pliers) be-
r e a r panel that secure the inverter transformer
tween the soldering iron and diode.
(6) Replace the blower air filter (2) and four
(6) Solder the wire to the diode anode lead.
machine screws (19) on the front panel of the test
3-12. Removal and Replacement of
Transistors Q2 and Q3
S e e soldering hints in paragraph 3-9b
Transistors Q2 and Q3 are mounted on heat sinks
before soldering the wires to the emitter
l o c a t e d on each side of the blower BL1 well
and base connectors of the transistor.
assembly (fig. 3-5). The stud nut on transistor Q2 is
accessible and can be removed without difficulty;
(7) Solder the wires to the emitter and base of
h o w e v e r , special procedures are necessary for
the new transistor.
removing and replacing transistor Q3. Follow the
3-13. Removal and Replacement of Filter
procedures in a and b below when removing or
Capacitors C1, C2, C3, and C8
replacing transistor Q3.
a. Removal.
Capacitors C1, C2, C3, and C8 are large filter capaci-
(1) Unsolder and identify the wires from the
tors mounted in plastic retainers in the extreme up-
transistor base and emitter terminals. (Do not un-
per right hand corner of the test set chassis. When
solder wires on collector terminal lug. )
removing or replacing these capacitors, follow the
(2) Remove the four machine screws (19) from
procedures in a and b below.
the front panel and the four machine screws (19)
a. Removal.
f r o m the rear panel that secure the inverter
(1) Remove the two screws along the top of the
transformer bracket (fig. 3-27).
front panel and the top screw on the right side of the
(3) Lift up the inverter transformer bracket
f r o n t panel (located between the EXTERNAL
(approx. inch) and, using a socket wrench and ex-
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