![]() TM 11-6625-467-34
maintenance level. D u p l i c a t e the module test
(2) Multimeters that have sensitivities of less
wherein the fault occurred, then by the use of sche-
than 5,000 ohms per volt should not be used in tran-
sistor circuits. Multimeters with lower sensitivities
matic diagrams, functional diagrams, and the volt-
draw excessive current through many types of tran-
age and resistance table, the trouble can be localized
to a functional circuit. The CIRCUIT SELECTOR
sistors, thereby damaging them. Use 20,000 -ohms-
switches signal path tables 2-1 to 2-7 explain the
per-volt meters or vacuum tube volt-meters (vtvm)
function of each CIRCUIT SELECTOR switch for all
when checking all transistor circuits. Verify the
switch settings in the operating procedures. The
ohmmeter circuit (even those in vtvm) on all scales
s i g n a l paths for switch settings given in the
with an external, low-resistance milliammeter in
operator crew preventive maintenance checks and
series with the ohmmeter leads. If the ohmmeter
services are presented in table 2-8. The CIRCUIT
draws more than 1 milliampere on any range, this
SELECTOR switch functional diagram (fig. FO-3)
range cannot be used safely on small transistors.
shows the signal routing for any switch setting.
(3) Electric soldering irons may also damage
Both the table and the functional diagram will prove
transistors because of leakage current. To check a
very helpful in localizing troubles in the test set.
soldering iron for leakage current, connect an ac
b. After a trouble has been localized to a func-
voltmeter between the tip of the iron and a ground
tional circuit or circuit card, the trouble must be iso-
connection (water pipe or line ground). Allow the
lated. Isolation means the locating of defective part
iron to heat, and then check for voltage indications
or parts responsible for the abnormal indication.
on the meter. Reverse the plug in the receptacle and
Some defective parts such as burned resistors and
again check for voltage. If there is any indication on
arcing shorted transformers, can often be located by
the meter, isolate the iron from the line with a
s i g h t , smell, and hearing. Most defective parts,
transformer. If the iron is heated, it may be used
however, must be isolated by checking voltage,
without the isolation transformer if it is unplugged
resistance, waveforms, and so forth.
before touching the transistor. A ground wire be-
tween the tip of the soldering iron and the chassis of
3-3. Servicing Transistor Circuits
t h e equipment being repaired will also prevent
a. General. In general, the servicing procedures
damage from leakage current.
c. Soldering Techniques. Light duty soldering
and test equipment used for other types of elec-
tronic equipment may be used for transistor cir-
irons of 20 to 25 watts are adequate for transistor
cuits. Those cases which required special precau-
work and should be used. When installing or remov-
tions are outlined below. If the equipment under
ing a soldered-in transistor, grasp the transistor
lead between the solder joint and the transistors
test contains transistors, even though they may not
with a long-nosed pliers. The pliers absorb heat that
be in the circuit under test, the precautions should
would otherwise conduct into the transistor from
be observed because of the possibility of accidental-
ly connecting into a transistor circuit.
the soldering iron. Be sure that wires being soldered
b. Test Equipment.
t o transistor terminals are pretinned so that the
connection can be made quickly. Excessive heat may
(1) Transistor damage caused by test equip-
ment is usually the result of accidentally applying
damage the transistor.
d. Circuit Measurements. W h e n m e a s u r i n g
too much current or voltage to the transistor ele-
m e n t s . One source of such current is from the
r e s i s t a n c e s of circuits containing transistors or
powerline when test equipment with transformer-
semiconductor diodes, remember that these compo-
less power supplies are used. The test equipment
nents are polarity sensitive; therefore, follow the
r e c o m m e n d e d for testing the test set has trans-
directions in the notes given in the resistance tables
former-type power supplies; however, if substitute
to be sure that the correct polarity and range is
equipment should be used, check its power supply.
applied to the circuit from the ohmmeter. Capaci-
If line isolation is required, a suitable transformer is
tors used in transistor circuits usually have large
i d e n t i f i e d by National Stock Number 5950-00-
v a l u e s ; therefore, it takes time to charge these
356-1779. If the equipment is equipped with a line
capacitors when an ohmmeter is connected to a cir-
filter, it is also possible to damage transistors from
cuit containing them. Allow sufficient time for the
line current, even though the test equipment has a
capacitors to fully charge or the readings obtained
power transformer in the power supply. The line
will be subject to error. In some cases, it may be
filter may act as a voltage divider, applying 55 volts
b e s t to isolate the components in question and
ac to the transistors. To eliminate trouble of this
measure them individually. Test probes used for
type, connect a ground wire from the chassis of the
transistor circuit measurements should be clean and
e q u i p m e n t under test to the chassis of the test
sharp. Because many of the resistors used in tran-
equipment before any other connections are made.
sistorized circuits have low values, any additional
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