![]() TM 11-6625-467-34
of diode CR2 reverse bias the diodes and thereby
frequencies of the discriminator).
keep them nonconducting with no grounds applied
d. As the frequency of the incoming signal swings
to the gate inputs. Capacitor C14 couples the 30
below 500-kHz and approaches the resonant fre-
megahertz signal to one side of the diode switch
quency of inductor L1 and capacitor C4 and C7, the
c o m b i n e d impedance decreases. T h i s decrease
With neither gate input grounded, both diodes are
reverse biased and block the 30 megahertz signal
r e s u l t s in an increase in the voltage developed
f r o m the output. With the positive gate input
across capacitor C7. During one half cycle, diode
grounded, diode CR3 conducts on the negative half
C R 3 conducts and bypasses the current around
cycles of the 100-HZ square wave The conduction
c a p a c i t o r C7 during the next half cycle, and
path is from the square wave Input terminal through
capacitor C7 charges and then discharges through
R24, L2, CR3, and 1,3 to ground. During the conduc
one-half of inductor L1, dropping resistor R32, and
tion period, diode CR3 acts as a short circuit and the
load resistor R34. The current flow through resistor
30-megahertz signal passes through diode CR3 and
R34 produces a negative discriminator output. As
capacitor L13 to the output. The positive half cycle
the frequency continues to decrease below 500-kHz,
of the 100-HZ square wave reverse hisses diode CR3
the voltage developed across capacitor C7 increases,
and blocks the 30-megahertz signal from the output
and subsequently the discriminator output becomes
With the negative gate grounded, the opposite ac-
more negative.
tion occurs. Diode CR2 is forward biased on the
e. When an excursion of the incoming signal is
positive half cycles and allows the 30-megahertz
above the center frequency, an opposite site of con-
signal to pass through CR2 to the output. With both
ditions exists. The impedance of the series lc circuit,
the negative and positive gates grounded, a con-
consisting of capacitors C5, C6, C9 and C10 and in-
stant amplitude, 30-megahertz signal appears at the
ductor L1, decreases and current flow through this
output. The output waveforms for each gate condi-
circuit increases. The rectifying action of diode CR2
tion are shown in B, figure 2-29.
causes current to flow through one-half of inductor
b. Inductors L.1 through L5 have a high imped
L1, dropping resistor R32 and the load resistor R33.
ante at 30-megahertz and a low impedance at 100
In this case, the current flow through the load re-
Hz. Inductors L1 and L3 block the 30-megahertz
sistor is opposite in direction to the current flow
signal from the power supply and gate circuits. In
when the signal swings below the center frequency;
ductor L2 passes the 100-Hz square wave hut pre
therefore, the discriminator output signal depends
vents the 30-megahertz signal from entering the
on how greatly the signal deviates from the center
external circuit. Inductor Lt5 prevent the 100-Hz
frequency, 500-kHz. A deviation toward a higher
square wave from feeding back to the 30-megahertz
frequency produces a negative voltage output. The
oscillator circuit. Inductor 1.4 provides a high ac
frequency versus output voltage curve of the dis-
impedance ground return for the 30 megahertz out
criminator is shown in B, figure 2-28.
put signal.
f. Resistor R40 is adjustable and sets the output
amplitude of the discriminator. Inductor L2 and ca-
2-35. Frequency Selection Circuit
pacitor C11 are resonant at 500-kHz. The tuned cir-
cuit is in series with the signal path and forms a
a. General. F r e q u e n c y s e l e c t i o n f o r t h e '
band elimination filter for 500-kHz frequencies that
AN/ARC-54 RF subchassis is performed by FRE-
might be present at the output of the discriminator.
QUENCY SELECTOR-MC switches S7, S8 and S9.
Transistor Q6 amplifies the audio output of the dis-
The frequency selection is accomplished by three
criminator, and the circuit output is taken at the col-
five-wire reentrant, open seeking switching cir
lector of Q6.
cuits. Figure 2-30 is a schematic diagram of simple
open-seeking reentrant system. With the, switches
2-34. 30 MHz Switch
in the positions shown,switch S1. applied ground to
terminal 1 of S2. Ground from terminaL C of S2, to
motor B1 causes the motor to operate, aind S2 is
The 30-megahertz switch receives two signal in-
turned in a clockwise direction. When the open seg-
puts: a 30-megahertz sine wave from the 30-mega-
ment of S2 reaches terminal 2, the circuit o p e n s a n d
hertz oscillator and a 100-HZ square wave from the
the motor stops. The action is the same for any posi-
AN/ARC-54 homer module.
tion set by S1. Note that switches S1 and S2 are
a. By connecting grounds to the gate inputs, the
physically complementary. All reentrant systems
switch circuit produces signals that check the diode
have this characteristic. Figure 2-31 is a schematic
switch circuit in the AN/ARC-54 homer module.
diagram of the test set FREQUENCY SELECTOR-
The 27.5 volts dc connected to the anode of diode
MC switches. Although the switching arrangement
CR3 and the 27.5 volts dc connected to the cathode
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