![]() TM 11-6625-467-34
1-1. Scope
(ROD)) as prescribed in AR 735-11-2/DLAR
This manual covers the overall functioning of Test
MCO 4430.3E.
Set, Electronics Circuit Plug-In Unit AN/ARM-87,
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP)
a n d contains instructions for direct support and
(SF 361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Ship-
general support maintenance of the test set.
ment Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as prescribed in
1-2. Indexes of Publications
A R 55-38/NAVSUPINST 4610.33B/AFR 75-18/
MCO P4610.19C and DLAR 4500.15.
a. DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue of DA
Pam 310-4 to determine whether there are new edi-
1-4. Reporting Equipment Improvement
tions, changes, or additional publications pertaining
Recommendations (EIR)
to the equipment.
If your AN/ARM-87 needs improvement, let us
b. DA Pam 310-7. Refer to DA Pam 310-7 to
know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only
d e t e r m i n e whether there are modification work
one who can tell us what you don't like about your
orders (MWO'S) pertaining to the equipment.
equipment. Let us know why you don't like the de-
sign. Tell us why a procedure is hard to perform.
1-3. Maintenance Forms, Records, and
Put it on an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report).
Mail it to Commander, US Army Communications
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
a n d Electronics Materiel Readiness Command,
Equipment. Department of the Army forms and pro
A T T N : DRSEL-ME-MQ, Fort Monmouth, NJ
07703. We'll send you a reply.
cedures used for equipment maintenance will be
those prescribed by TM 38-750, The Army Main-
1-5. Calibration
tenance Management System.
The calibration bulletin pertinent to the
b. Report of Item and Packaging Discrepancies.
AN/ARM-87 is TB 11-6625-467-35.
Fill out and forward SF 364 (Report of Discrepancy
1-1/(1-2 blank)
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