![]() Section I. INTRODUCTION
that accountability be main-
1. Scope. This publication provides an over-
tained throughout the life of
printed DA Form 2062 (Hand Receipt) which lists
the item.
the contents of Components of End Item (COEI),
(D) for Durable:
Nonconsumable components of
Basic Issue Items (BII), and Additional Authori-
sets, kits, outfits, and as-
zation List (AAL) items related to the AN/ARM-87.
semblages; all tools in FSC's
5110 5120, 5130, 5133, 5136,
2. General.
5140, 5180, 5210, 5220, and
5280; and any other noncon-
a. Section II is the overprinted DA Form 2062
sumable with a price in ex-
which lists the line item entry for the End Item and
cess of $50.00 not already
the content of COEI, BII, and AAL extracted from
Items regardless of type clas-
(X) for Expendable:
TM 11-6625-467-12. The listings consist of exactly
sification or price and which
the same items and are in the same sequence as
are consumed in use. In-
those listings in TM 11-6625467-12.
cludes all class 9 repair parts.
b. The overprinted DA Form 2062 will eliminate
Items not consumed in use
manual preparation of the form and will assist
which cost $50.00 or less and
not already "N" or "D".
organizations in inventorying and accounting for
In addition, it will contain nomenclature, and
property as required by AR 710-2.
serial/USA number (if applicable) that will be
c. Local reproduction of the overprinted DA
useful in identifying and controlling the item.
Form 2062 is authorized. However, organizations
Serial number to be inserted and initialed on all
shall comply with local policies in the reproduction
copies by the hand receipt holder.
of DA Form 2062 by office copying equipment, field
h. T1(a). Quantity of each item listed in the COEI,
printing plant, or duplicating plant facilities.
BII, and AAL.
d. Additional copies of this publication may be
i. C2(t). Leave blank
requisitioned from US Army Adjutant General
Publication Center, 1655 Woodson Road, St. Louis,
(1) 1. Enter the total quantity possessed by the
MO 63114 in accordance with Chapter 3, AR 310-2.
receiving unit/personnel for each item listed. All
3. Explanation of Blocks and Columns (DA
quantity totals will be advanced to the next
Form 2062).
balance column on any item changes, annotated
"adjusted", dated, and signed by the individual
a. FROM. Enter the organization for which the
receiving the property.
property book is maintained.
(2) 2. The individual receiving the property will
b. TO. Enter the (UIC) and the hand receipt file
sign and date the appropriate balance column on
number of the unit/personnel receiving the prop
the bottom of the last page below a drawn line.
When an inventory is taken, the column will be
c. CATALOG NO. Contains the technical manual
annotated "Per Inventory".
(TM) number of the operator's manual
(3) 3 through 12. Same as (2) above.
d. CURR OF ALW. Not applicable.
k. PAGE NO./NO. OF PAGES. Contains page
e. ITEM. Contains end item short title.
number and total pages for the COEI, BII, and
f. STOCK NO. National stock number of the item
AAL portions of the hand receipt. Hand receipt
described. Items without stock numbers should be
holder initial each page no. (only when two or more
requisitioned by Federal Supply Code for Manu-
forms are involved). When hand receipt holders
facturer (FSCM) and Part Number direct from US
change, the old initials will be lined out and new
Army Communications and Electronics Materiel
hand receipt holder will initial each page.
Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSEL-MM, Fort
Monmouth, NJ 07703.
4. Authorization Documents.
g. ITEM DESCRIPTION. Identifies the item
a. Components of End Item (COEI) are au-
contained in the COEI, BII, and AAL. The first
thorized by the applicable Repair Parts and
entry shall be the line item's Expendability
Special Tools List (RPSTL).
(EXP)/Accounting Requirements Code (ARC), in
b. Basic Issue Items (BII) are authorized by the
parentheses, in front of the line item name. One of
applicable operator's manual.
the following codes will apply:
c. Additional Authorization List (AAL) items are
(N) for Nonexpendable:
Items not consumed in use,
authorized by appropriate MTOE, TDA, CTA, or
retaining their identity
JTA authorization documents.
during use, and requiring
Following is the Hand Receipt for Test Set AN/ARM-87.
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