![]() TM 11-6625-3024-14/EE641-AC-MMA-010/E154 SYSEX/TO 33AA50-5-1-1
to zero. When the counter is started it will then
4-4. WRITE DATA CONTROL (Circuit Card
count a full block.
1A2A5) (See Figure FO-4)
When in block mode, the end of each block is
The generation of WRITE DATA starts with the
initiated when END BLOCK is set. An IRG (Inter
write data control circuits. (See Figure 4-2, Write
Record Gap) is then generated before the next
Data Control Block Diagram.)
block or the end of operation by a STOP command.
WRITE CLOCK pulses (CLOCK WP) from the
When BLOCK MODE is not selected, the mode is
clock generator circuit card are routed through a
continuous and the END BLOCK is not allowed
non-retriggerable delay circuit to the write data
until the STOP command has been set.
counter. The counter consists of a 28 counter (256
bits) and a divide-by-sixteen counter. The START
The WRITE DATA consists of 8 data bits and a
DATA issued from the processor resets the END
parity bit. The write data switches on the front panel
BLOCK latch, which enables the write card
can be individually enabled to select the logic level
counter. When the counter has reached a count of
for each bit. Switches are also provided on the front
256 (short block), a pulse is issued to the End Block
panel that will set the Write Data Latch to ALL 1,
Latch. The latch then produces the END BLOCK
ALL 0, or ALL PAT. When ALL PAT. switch is
signal to the format generator circuit card,
enabled, the data block pattern will be the pattern
indicating an end-of-block has occurred. When 4K
produced by the write data pattern counter. The
BLOCK has been selected on the front panel data
output of the Write Data Latches is applied to lamp
control switches, the 4K BLOCK IND signal from
drivers to illuminate the selected switch indicator.
the data control circuit card will inhibit the 256
Eight outputs from the write data pattern counter
pulse, allowing the divide-by-sixteen counter to
are combined with the appropriate bit from the
continue counting. After counting 4096, the
Write Data Latches into the Write Data Decoders.
counter will then issue a pulse to the End Block
The Write Data Decoders produce an 8-bit data
Latch. The END BLOCK signal will then be issued
block (WCO-WC7) and a parity bit (WPT). PARITY
to the format generator. The END BLOCK signal is
CHECK signal is produced from the write data
issued concurrently to the processor as an
circuit card.
indication of block mode status.
The first five bits of WRITE DATA (WCNTO-
The CLEAR DATA GEN signal is issued from the
WCNT4) are routed to the write data circuit card to
processor. This signal is issued before a START
be used in programming the SHIFTED ONES
DATA pulse to set the End Block Latch. The set
condition of the End Block Latch provides a reset to
the write data pattern counter clearing the counter
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