TM 11-6625-3024-14/EE641-AC-MMA-010/E154 SYSEX/TO 33AA50-5-1-1
panel controls and indicators are provided for se-
lecting write data in block mode, 256 byte block
(short block), 4K byte block mode (long block),
This technical manual provides installation, op-
and shifted ones mode. The Exerciser will read
eration, and field level maintenance instructions
the data from the transport in the recorded block
for the TS-4002/UYH-5 Exerciser. Information
mode and in a continuous read mode.
contained in this manual is intended for use by
technical personnel involved in the actual opera-
BNC connectors are provided on the front panel
tion and maintenance of the subject equipment.
for external start enable inputs and start output
pulses. Connectors are also provided on the front
panel for monitoring the transport power supply
The instructions contained in this manual apply
current, data and control signals.
to the Exerciser to be used in exercising the Mag-
The Exerciser monitors the reproduced data
netic Tape Transport AN/UYH-5.
from the transport for parity errors. Soft errors and
hard errors are accumulated and displayed on 2-
digit LED displays. The type of error (VRC error
or LRC error) is also displayed on front panel in-
The Exerciser is a portable instrument designed
to be a testing and troubleshooting aid for the AN/
UYH-5 Magnetic Tape Transport. The Exerciser
The Exerciser generates and formats nine read/
includes all the controls required to exercise the
write channels of parallel digital data in NRZ for-
transport in both read and write modes. The unit
mat. The Exerciser control logic controls the timing
is a portable, self-contained instrument that pro-
for the transport.
vides all data, control signals, and power required
by the AN/UYH-5 transport.
The Exerciser is housed in a sturdy metal case
Operator controls, indicators, and test points are
6 inches high, 18 inches wide, and 23 inches
located on the front panel. Test points are provided
deep. The power supply is separately housed and
on the front panel for monitoring status indications
attached to the rear of the Exerciser mainframe.
from the transport, read and write data to and from
All front panel controls, indicators, and test points
the transport, and motion control signals to the
are an integral part of the logic printed circuit
cards. Six printed circuit cards, containing all logic
circuits, are located behind the front panel plate.
The Exerciser generates a selected data pattern
for recording on eight data channels and a parity
Cable storage is provided in a compartment lo-
channel. Front panel controls are provided for se-
cated above the power supply module. One power
lecting ALL `0', ALL '1', or ALL PATTERN for write
cable and one transport interconnect cable povide
data on all eight channels. Write data is also se-
interface between the Exerciser and transport.
lectable for each individual data channel. Front
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