TM 11-6625-3023-14/ET904-AA-MMA-010/E154 TS3684/TO 33A1-12-1173-1
6-21. Diode Rectifier. The diode rectifier(s) (D1 and D2) may be removed and replaced by performing the following
a. Removal. Perform the following procedure to remove the diode rectifier(s) from the circuit board:
(1) Remove panel assembly as described in paragraph 6-8a.
(2) Remove circuit board as described in paragraph 6-20a.
(3) Unsolder diode rectifier and remove rectifier.
Overheating may destroy thermal conductivity of copper pad bonding agent or loosen pad.
b. Replacement. Perform the following procedure to replace diode rectifier:
(1) Insert diode rectifier leads into holes in copper pad. OBSERVE CORRECT POLARITY.
(2) Solder leads.
Overheating may loosen copper pad or destroy new diode rectifier.
(3) Install circuit board as described in paragraph 6-20b.
(4) Replace panel assembly as described in paragraph 6-8b.
6-22. Resistors. The resistor(s) (R1, R4 and R5) may be removed and replaced by performing the following
a. Removal. Perform the following procedure to remove the resistor from the circuit board:
(1) Remove panel assembly as described in paragraph 6-8a.
(2) Remove circuit board as described in paragraph 6-20a.
(3) Unsolder resistor leads from the copper pad and remove resistor. DO NOT OVERHEAT COPPER PAD.
b. Replacement. Perform the following procedure to replace resistor:
(1) Insert resistor leads in copper pad.
(2) Solder leads using 20-watt (maximum) soldering iron. DO NOT OVERHEAT COPPER PAD. Clip off excess
lead length.
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