![]() TM 11-6625-2937-13
(4) Loosen, but do not remove, four Allen
(7) Loosen, hut do not remove, four Allen
screws (6) on right side support of electrical equipment
screws (6) on left side support of electrical equipment
housing 1A1.
housing IAI.
(5) Loosen, but do not remove, four nuts (12)
(8) Place control-interface unit on its right side.
securing power supply AI PSI (7) to rear panel of control
(9) Remove six Allen screws (12) and
interface unit.
associated washers from end plate of electrical
equipment housing IA].
It may be necessary to disconnect five
(10)Place control-interface unit in normal
wires on power supply AIPSI (para 5-18a)
operating position.
to perform step (6).
(11)Remove 20 screws (16) and associated
(6) Loosen power supply AIPSI (7) sufficiently to
washers from front panel (fig. 5-3).
gain access to the four Allen screws (6) on left side
(12)Grasp handles on front panel; pull straight
support of electrical equipment housing IA 1. Repeat
back until circuit card assembly rack (11) separates and
step (5) as required.
clears electrical equipment housing IA].
(7) Loosen, but do not remove, four Allen
b. Replacement.
Replace electrical equipment
screws (6) on left side support of electrical equipment
housing IA I as follows:
housing IAI.
(1) Position replacement electrical equipment
(8) Place control-interface unit on its right side.
housing IAI (15) so that it mates with front panel of circuit
(9) Remove six Allen screws (12) and
card assembly rack I A2 (I 1).
associated washers from end plate of electrical
(2) Secure electrical equipment housing IA I to
equipment housing IAI.
front panel of circuit card assembly rack I A2 by
(10)Place control-interface unit in normal
tightening 20 screws (16) and associated washers.
operating position.
(3) Place control-interface unit on its right side.
(11)Remove 20 screws (16) and associated
(4) Replace six Allen screws (12) and
washers from front panel (fig. 5-3).
associated washers previously remolded from end plate
(12)Grasp handles on front panel; pull straight
of electrical equipment housing I A 1.
back until circuit card assembly rack (11) separates and
(5) Place control-interface unit in normal
clears electrical equipment housing IAI.
operating position.
b. Replacement. Replace circuit card assembly
(6) Tighten four Allen screws (6) and associated
rack I A2 as follows:
washers on left side support of electrical equipment
(1) Position replacement electrical equipment
housing 1A1.
housing IAI (15) so that it mates with front panel of circuit
(7) Secure power supply AI-SI (7) in place by
card assembly rack IA2 (11).
tightening four nuts (12) If necessary, reconnect wires
(2) Secure electrical equipment housing I AI to
previously disconnected from A1PS1.
front panel of circuit card assembly rack I A2 by
(8) Tighten four Allen screws (6) on right side
tightening 20 screws (16) and associated washers.
support of electrical equipment housing I A].
(3) Place control-interface unit on its right side.
(9) Reconnect connectors P 1 (9) and P2 (10) to
(4) Replace six Allen screws (12) and
JI 5 and J16, respectively, f)n circuit card assembly rack
associated washers previously removed from end plate
IA2 (I1).
of electrical equipment housing IAI.
(10)Secure connectors Pi and P2 to J15 and
(5) Place control-interface unit in normal
J16, respectively, by tightening four screw lock
operating position.
assemblies (8).
(6) Tighten four Allen screws (6) and associated
(11)Replace top and bottom access covers (para
washers on left side support of electrical equipment
housing 1A1.
5-22. Removal and Replacement of Circuit Card
(7) Secure power supply AIPSI (7) in place by
tightening four nuts (12). If necessary, reconnect wires
previously disconnected from AIPSI .
a. Removal. Remove circuit card assembly rack
(8) Tighten four Allen screws (6) on right side
1A2 (11, fig. 5-3) as follows
support of electrical equipment housing I A 1.
(1) Remove top and bottom access covers
(9) Reconnect connectors P1 (9) andP2 (10)
from control-interface unit (para 8-14a). Place control-
to15 and J16, respectively, on circuit card assembly rack
interface unit in its normal operating position.
IA2 (I1).
(2) Loosen four .screw lock assemblies (8)
(10)Secure connectors P1 and P2 to 115 and
securing connectors Pi (9) and P2 (10) to J15 and J16,
J16, respectively, by tightening four screw lock
respectively, on circuit card assembly rack I A2 (I1).
assemblies (8).
(3) Disconnect connectors PI and P2 from J15
(11)Replace top and bottom access covers (par
and J16, respectively. and ,set aside carefully.
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