![]() TM 11-6625-2937-13
is applied to MODE SELECT switch S2, to power supply
OUTPUTS signal to the digital tester. This output signal
monitor (IA2AI) and connectors J1, 13 and JS.
is converted by the digital tester to a transition count for
Connectors J3, 13 and J5 are associated with encoder,
comparison with a transition count that has been stored
decoder and STE standard logic cards, respectively.
on the program card. This comparison results in the
Test data is obtained from the program card to set the
PASS/FAIL indication.
(6) Power distribution. Three-phase (115 V
TESTS switch on the digital tester prior to inserting the
ac) power at 400 Hz is distributed via EMI filter FLI (IAI)
program card in the card reader slot. The digital tester
and circuit breaker CB1 (IA1) to front panel POWER
applies the proper stimulus for the STANDARD LOGIC
ON/OFF switch SI(1 A2). In the POWER ON position, 3
connectors with these switches set according to the
PHASE AC power is applied via the UNIT TEST ENC or
information printed on the program card, and with the
DEC position of MODE SELECT switch S2 (IA2) to UNIT
probe threshold switch set to 2 volts. After completing
TEST POWER connector JI 1. PHASE A power is
the digital tester setup, its input stimulus to the MODULE
applied, via front panel POWER ON/OFF switch SI, to
TEST connectors exercises a standard logic card. The
power supply PSI (1a1), power supply PS2 (1A1),
DIGITAL OUTPUTS signal from the standard logic card
POWER ON indicator DSI (1 A2), and ELAPSED TIME
are applied to the digital tester via the MODULE TEST
meter MI (IA2). PHASE A power is applied to power
connectors. This output signal is converted by the digital
supply PSI (1A1) and PS2 (1A1) to develop +5 V and i
tester to a transition count for comparison with a
15 V, respectively. Each dc output voltage is adjustable
transition count that has been input from the program
and protected by its own overvoltage protection circuit
card and stored in the digital tester. This comparison
(UI, U2 and U3, respectively), before application to circuit
results in the PASS/FAIL indication.
card connectors XA1 through XA12 (1A1) . Power
(4) Synchronization. The digital tester provides
supply PS3 (1A1) receives PHASE A input power from
a 250 KHz REFERENCE signal to the phase-locked loop
the UNIT TEST ENC or DEC position of MODE SELECT
(PLL) circuit (1A2A4) and the reset circuit (1A2AS). This
switch S2 (IA2) to provide +28V to UNIT TESTER
input signal synchronizes the PLL and is also applied via
POWER connector J11.
b. Microprocessor Functioning (FIG. 4-3). The
the reset circuit (IA2AS), which provides a RESET signal
to MODULE TEST connectors 12, J4 and J6
control interface unit and the digital tester provide
(MICROPROCESSOR). The RESET signal assures that
address information, data signals and control signals to
a test card inserted in the MICROPROCESSOR
the microprocessing system. These signals are used by
connector is reset, and therefore capable of being
the MPU, under program control, to generate the control
synchronized to the digital tester. The 4-MHz clock
signals that provide for movement of data throughout the
outputs from the PLL, depending on the mode of
control interface unit, and test information to the module
operation, provide both the SYSTEM CLOCK (for the
under test. To do this the MPU uses three memories
encoder only) and the UUT MICROPROCESSOR
and the programmable interval timer (P1). The read
CLOCK for input to J2 of the MICROPROCESSOR card
only memory (ROM) contains the program of instruction
connection. This 4-MHz signal is divided by four before
and look-up tables (data constants) used by the STE
feeding connectors J4 and J6. Either signal is applied via
MPU to check mode switch settings and verify test
the appropriate MODULE TEST connectors (32, J4 or
number information. The random access memory
16), and is counted down to provide the 250 KHZ
(RAM) acts as a scratch pad memory and is used by the
CLOCK outputs which are fed back for comparison to
STE MPU and the MPU under test to store variable data.
the PLL circuit. Connector 32, 34 and 36 are associated
Under program control, the STE MPU and MPU under
with the encoder, decoder and STE processor cards,
test can read or change the contents of RAM, but not the
respectively. The STE internal system clock circuit
contents of ROM. In a typical operation, the STE MPU
provides the signals (4 MHz CLOCK and 20 MHz
stops accessing the program of instructions in the ROM,
CLOCK) used to synchronize the operation of the
after the verification check sets the PIT, and turns the
control-interface unit.
microprocessing system control over to the MPU under
(5) Bus switching. After mode verification has
test. The test ROM contains the program of instructions
been completed (para 4-2a(2)), STE MPU 1A2A2
and look-up tables used to validate the operation of the
executes the bus switching portion of the STE program
MPU under test. When the test is finished, the MPU
ROM (1A2A3). The STE MPU then sets up bus
under test stores the variable test information in RAM,
switching circuit 1A2A7 via SYSTEM CONTROL so that
stops accessing the program of instruction in the test
the MPU card under test may access the test ROM
ROM, and returns microprocessing system control to the
circuit (1A2A6) via the ADDRESS BUS, CONTROL BUS
STE MPU. The STE MPU also access the program of
and DATA BUS. The STE MPU (1A2A2) now disables
instructions in the ROM to perform the BITE test. The
itself until the end of the test ROM operation. The MPU
variable test data stored in RAM is also accessed during
card under test executes the test program contained in
operation of
the test ROM circuit (1A2A6) and provides the DIGITAL
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