TM 11-6625-2937-13
a. Control-Interface Unit (fig.
Three extender cards are supplied with the data link
tester for use at DS level. Card No. 2 is for use in the
control-interface unit comprises two major assemblies
control-interface unit, card No. I is for extending a circuit
that form an integral assembly: electrical equipment
card in an encoder, and card No. 3 is for extending a
housing (IAI), and circuit card assembly rack (1A2).
circuit card in a decoder.
Electrical equipment housing IAI contains three power
d. Coax Adapter. The coax adapter is used
supplies, an input power line filter assembly and a circuit
during testing of the decoder to provide a connection
breaker. Circuit card assembly rack I A2 is comprised of
point for an oscilloscope.
a front panel and circuit card rack. The front panel
e. Dummy Load. The dummy load is used
contains controls and indicators, and the circuit card rack
contains seven circuit cards necessary to the operation
during testing of the decoder to provide a load for the
of the control-interface unit. The circuit card rack also
deflection amplifiers.
Ballast. The ballast is used during testing
provides for interconnecting circuit cards under test to
the control-interface unit.
of the decoder at J5.
b. Data Link Tester Accessory Cables (fig. 1-
g. Card Edge Connector.
2). The following subparagraphs describe all accessory
connector that plugs into the top of circuit cards thus
cables of the data link tester.
permitting easy access to any pin by a probe.
(1) Cable Assembly, Power, Electrical W1.
h. Test Set Case (fig. 1-2). The test set case
Cable W1 is a four-wire cable assembly approximately
is a lightweight, self-sealing carrying case. It is equipped
72 inches long. It is used to connect three-phase
with carrying handles, a pressure-relief valve, and quick-
primary input power to the control-interface unit.
release cover latches. The control-interface unit is
(2) Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
stored in the main body of the case with all accessories
Electrical W2. Cable W2 is a 156-wire cable assembly
stored in the cover.
approximately 36 inches long. It is used to interconnect
1-12. Description of Analog Test Adapter
signals between the control-interface unit and the digital
The analog test adapter is a breakout box that is used at
(3) Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
the depot for troubleshooting analog circuit cards. This
Electrical W3. Cable W3 is a 44-wire cable assembly
adapter is used in conjunction with standard test
approximately 48 inches long. It is used to connect
equipment to fault isolate to the component level. It
signals from the control interface unit to the
consists of 90 front panel test points, POWER ON/OFF
microprocessor or standard logic card under test.
switch, voltage and signal input switches, signal
(4) Cable Assembly, Special Purpose,
generator connectors, input power connectors, right and
Electrical W4. Cable W4 is a 10-wire cable assembly
left switch power ports, and a 90-pin circuit card
connector. The 90-pin circuit card connector provides
approximately 48 inches long. It is used to connect
fan-out to the 90 test points on the front panel.
power from the control interface unit to the encoder or
decoder for analog circuit card testing.
c. Data Link Tester Extender Cards (fig. 1-2).
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