TM 11-6625-2884-30/NAVAIR 16-35TS3615-2
MAGNITUDE COMPARATOR. The magnitude comparator U44, U33, U35, U47 com-
pares the PRI data in the temporary storage with the PRI counter U45,
U25, U26, U37. When a comparison occurs, output sequencer U29 is
When the output sequencer is enabled the following
events occur:
PRI COUNTER is preset (1) to a count of 2.
PROM ADDRESS REGISTER is advanced (2) and pulse sync is generated.
BLANKING GENERATOR U27 is enabled (3).
PULSE WIDTH GENERATOR U48, U49, U38 is enabled (4).
WIDTH GENERATOR. The pulse width generator, when enabled by
the output sequencer, generates the output pulse to PIN Switch CR2.
The width of the pulse is determined by the setting of the pulse
width control switch S4.
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