![]() TM 1-6625-2784-14-HR
1. Scope
This publication provides an overprinted DA Form
t h o r i t y for an unserviceable item is
2062 (Hand Receipt) which lists the contents of Com-
governed by the recoverability code (5th
ponents of End Item (COEI), Basic Issue Items (BII),
position code of the SMR code) assigned to
and Additional Authorization List (AAL) items related
the item.
to the TS-3564/TRS-2(V).
a. Hand receipts shall identify the accounting re-
quirement status of all line item entries via the descrip
2. General
tion column for each item: i.e., the first entry in the
a. Section II is the overprinted DA Form 2062 which
d e s c r i p t i o n column shall be the line item's Ex-
lists the line item entry for the End Item and the
pendability (EXP)/Accounting Requirements Code
content of COEI, BII, and AAL extracted from TM
(A R C), in parentheses, in front of the line item name.
11-6625-2784-14. The listings consist of exactly the
One of the following codes will apply:
same items and are in the same sequence as those
(N) for Nonexpendable: Items not consumed in use, retaining
their identity during use, and re-
listings in TM 11-662S2784-14.
quiring that accountability be main-
b. The overprinted DA Form 2062 will eliminate
tained throughout the life of the
manual preparation of the form and will assist organ-
izations in inventorying and accounting for property as
Nonconsumable components of sets,
(D) for Durable:
required by AR 710-2.
kits, outfits, and assemblages; all
tools in FSC'S 5110 5120, 5130,
c. Local reproduction of the overprinted DA Form
5133, 5136, 5140, 5180, 5210, 5220,
2062 is authorized. However, organizations shall com-
and 5280; and any other non-
ply with local policies in the reproduction of DA Form
consumable with a price in excess
2062 by office copying equipment, field printing plant,
of $50.00 not already "N".
or duplicating plant facilities.
Items regardless of type classification
(X) for Expendable:
or price and which are consumed in
d. Additional copies of this publication maybe requi-
use. Includes all class 9 repair
sitioned from US Army Adjutant General Publication
parts. Items not consumed in use
Center, 1655 Woodson Road, St. Louis, MO 63114 in
which cost $50.00 or less and not
accordance with Chapter 3, AR 310-2.
already "N" or "D".
3. Explanation of Blocks and Columns (DA
b. Authorization documents are as follows:
Form 2062)
(1) Components of End Item (COEI) are author-
ized by the applicable Repair Parts and Special Tools
Refer to Chapter 2, AR 170-2. Additional information
List (RPSTL).
required listed below:
(2) Basic Issue Items (BII) are authorized by the
applicable operator's manual.
(3) Additional Authorization List (AAL) items are
The Accounting Requirements Code (ARC)
authorized by appropriate MTOE, TDA, CTA, or JTA
refers to property accountability, not to dis-
authorization documents.
posal authority. Disposition action and au-
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