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TM 11-6625-2478-12
(a) For an automatically timed exposure, de- press
Special Purpose, Electrical CX2728/U to the internal sic
of connector J1 on the CY-7117/AYM-9. Connect
cable release. The shutter is of the self-cocking type
connector P1 to the connector on the IP- 1080/AYA-O0
and trips after it is cocked.
(b) For manually-timed exposures, set shutter
(2) Rotate turntable of Camera, Still Picture KE-59A
speed lever to B. To make the exposure, depress cable
until springloaded locator pin locks into position A.
release and hold it depressed for duration of desired
(3) Mount IP-1080/AYA-10 on clamp assembly A up
to stop and secure camp assembly by means of captive
(c) To open lens and have it stay open for a period
fastener stud.
(4) Mount welded
of time, set shutter speed lever to T. To open shutter,
plate assembly cover on top of welded plate and secure
depress cable release. The shutter will re- main open
with 10 captive fastener studs.
until cable release is depressed a second time.
(4) Developing the exposed film.  To develop the
(5) On the SM4-7/AYM-9, set the RHA MODE
switch to SINGLE and set the RHA TEST SELECT
exposed film, proceed as follows:
(a) Grasp small white tab which extends
switch to KA60, IR/SLAR, CDM.
(6) On SM-627/AYM-9, set ON-OFF switch to ON.
through slot at the end of the camera back door
(para (1)() ).
(7) Remove camera cover assembly from access
(b) Pull white tab straight out of the camera.
opening of Polaroid Camera CU-5 and slide cover
assembly along cable release to gain access to shut-
Discard tab.
ter speed and lens opening levers.
(c) Pulling white tab out of the camera will cause a
(8) Set camera shutter speed to T and set lens
large yellow tab marked PULL to pop out of a concealed
opening to f/8 (para 3-8 (3)).
door.  Do not block this door while pulling the tabs.
(9) Slide camera cover assembly along cable re-
Grasp yellow tab at its center and pull it straight out,
lease and press camera cover assembly into access
moderately fast, without hesitation. This starts the
(d) As soon as
opening of the Polaroid Camera CU-5 to exclude
developing action.
extraneous light.
yellow tab has been pulled from camera, start timing the
(10) Depress camera cable release.
developing action. Hold film by the yellow tab or lay film
(11) On SM427/AYM-9, depress SINGLE PULSE
down flat during development. Do not touch or bend the
pushbutton. The SINGLE PULSE INDICATOR lamp
white paper or lift it off.
Depending on room
shall flash.
temperature, allow film to develop for the time specified
(12) Depress camera cable release.
Room temperature(F.)
(13) Develop exposed film; refer to paragraph
Developing Time (Sec)
3-8 b(4). The resulting print shall show a circle of
70 or over ................................................... 15
.......................................................... 20
small dots 0.6 0.1 inch in diameter (fig. 3-5).
60 ............................................................... 25
(14) Remove camera cover assembly from access
50................... ........................................ 30 to 40
opening of Polaroid Camera CU-5 and slide cover
.... .................................................. 45 to 55
assembly along cable release to gain access to shutter
35.................. ......................................... 55 to 70
speed and lens opening levers.
(e) After specified developing time, quickly strip
(15) Set camera shutter speed for a 1/15 second
white paper print from the brown paper.  Start by
exposure time and set lens opening to f5.6 (para
grasping white paper print at end nearest the yellow tab.
3-8 b (3)).
(f) To avoid contact with chemicals, fold brown
(16) Slide camera cover assembly along the cable
paper negative with the moist sic in and discard.
release and press camera cover assembly into ac-
(g) Remove coater from tube. Holding print face
cess opening of Polaroid Camera CU-5 to exclude
up on a flat surface spread liquid by rubbing moist face
extraneous light.
of coater across film starting at edge being held. Use 6
(17) On SM-627/AYM-9, set RHA TEST SELECT
to 8 overlapping strokes. The coating dries quickly and
switch to PHOSPHOR.
leaves a tough protective layer over the image.
(18) Depress camera cable release.
(h) Return coater to tube and place cap on
(19) Develop exposed film (para 3-8 b (4)). The
resulting print shall show a raster (fig. 3-7).
c. Indicator, Digital Display IP-1080A YA-10 Test
(20) On SM-627/AYM-9, set ON-OFF switch to
(1) Connect connector P1 of Cable Assembly,

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